SOLIT - Safety Of Life In Tunnels
The research project SOLIT² is focused on the COMPENSATION of traditional security measures in road tunnels by fixed fire fighting systems (FFFS) and their integration into an existing tunnel safety system.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology of Germany and has undergone continuous development since its start in the end of 2009. Based on a comprehensive status analysis on existing FFFS in tunnels and their goals, the partners of the consortium FOGTEC, STUVA BUNG, Ruhr University Bochum and the TÜV Süd, examine which options exist to replace conventional safety systems in road tunnels partially by FFFS. The main focus hereby is on water based FFFS.
The goal is to advance the technical feasibility, particularly in retrofit applications, the cost savings, as well as the possible increase in safety levels. In the context of the project the qualitative and quantitative verification of the effectiveness will be developed with the help of simulations and large-scale fire tests on a 1:1 scale. In addition, there is also a comparison of the reliability characteristics and life cycle costs of conventional systems and FFFS in tunnels.
The results are summarized in an ongoing planning guidance for planners, operators and experts.
Now available: updated and additional documents and publications of SOLIT²project under
The SOLIT Engineering Guidance is recognised by ITA-COSUF as a valuable contribution to the industry and practice concerned with the improvement in operational safety in underground facilities. ITA-COSUF has not scrutinised the details and sources presented in the report and therefore does not unequivocally endorse the entirety of its contents. However, the report is promoted by ITA-COSUF as a benefit to the industry with regards technical advancement, demonstration of the state of the art and/or for the stimulation of debate and discussion in this particular discipline and is therefore presented and supported by ITA-COSUF for that purpose.
In its latest report „Fixed Fire Fighting Systems in road tunnels – current practices and recommendations“ the World Road Association PIARC describes the SOLIT Engineering Guidance as helpful for the design of Fixed Fire Fighting Systems (FFFS) as well as beneficial for the specification and execution of fire tests. The report can be directly downloaded for free at the PIARC website.
Major key findings derived from the SOLIT² research project have already been implemented in various tunnel projects worldwide. This applies in particular to compensation possibilities when FFFS are being installed into tunnels. Moreover, the SOLIT Engineering Guidance has been referenced in some calls for tenders for planning FFFS (in tunnels) and carrying out fire tests.